Monday, November 12, 2007



I tried to do this a couple of days ago, but must have overwhelmed the system with my pictures. I am posting a few pictures of our trip to Ireland, hard to believe that 3 months have almost passed since we went. But that is okay as now it doesn't seem like McKenzie will be gone much longer. She is doing great teaching over there and they have invited her to be a substitute teacher as well as a student teacher, so she will be ready for the sub track when she gets home.

We had a great time in Ireland staying at all kinds of B&Bs, driving on the wrong side of the road and facing off with a herd of sheep while driving along the coast. No kidding, we all stopped and stared at each other trying to figure out who was going to have to get off the road and who was going to pass. Eventually we won. I wish I had gotten a picture of it though.. it was crazy!


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