Saturday, September 1, 2007

Where is everybody!!??!

I keep checking and NO ONE is writing, so I guess I will need to. Well, it was back to school for me this past week. It was a fun week and easy because there was no teaching involved. i am looking forward to Tuesday, however as I have brand new kitchens at school, even if there are no chairs for the students to sit on and no projector for my powerpoint. The kids can stand and I will use boring old black and white overheads.

Amelia...what about your garden? I would love to post some beautiful pictures of my tomatoes but my digital camera is BROKEN! My garden is wonderful and the tomatoes taste excellent. I have made many quarts of fresh salsa and canned 25 jars of cooked salsa. Will that get me through the winter?

Nonny Pat begged and begged me to read a book called, Bringing Back the Streetcars. I am finaliy reading it and I think that it must bring back lots of memories from her youth. It is a good book and I enjoyed reading it and wondering about if this is what it was like when her and Grandpa (Mom and Dad, to many of us, of course) young. I think it must be and that is why it was important for someone to read it. I am glad I read the book.

It's late and I have to break this habit of staying up so late as my alarm will go off at 5:45 on Tuesday. I hope that everyone is still checking the "blog" because I think it is a great way to keep us all connected.

Love to everyone from Kari

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